A speech at Bishop Arden’s Farewell Party on 25th January 1981 at Chilema by Bishop Dunstan Ainani
Bishop D. Arden came to Malawi from Swaziland in 1961. He was consecrated Bishop of Diocese of Nyasaland on 30th November 1961 in the Church of the Ascension, Likwenu. At that time the Anglican Diocese included the whole country. This involved too much travelling on pastoral work by one bishop.
In 1971 it was found necessary to divide the diocese into two, hence the formation of Diocese of Lake Malawi with its headquarters in Nkhotakota and Diocese of Southern Malawi with its headquarters at Malosa. Bishop Josiah Mtekateka was elected the first Malawian Bishop of Lake Malawi.
Bishop Arden was then elected the Archbishop of the Province of Central Africa in 1971, following the tragic death of Archbishop Olive Green-Wilkinson, which includes Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Malawi. This meant more work as it included the oversight of eight dioceses in the four countries, this at a very critical period when there was severe fighting in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).
Bishop Arden’s term of office has not been an easy one. He was consecrated Bishop only a few years before we gained our independence in 1964, during which time many Europeans who were not dedicated left the country. But Bishop Arden stayed and performed a wonderful service in Malawi which has earned him the honour of CBE by Her Majesty the Queen.
During his term of office as Diocesan Bishop of Southern Malawi he has encouraged ecumenism among the Churches in Malawi which has resulted in the formation of institutions like:
- Chilema Ecumenical Lay Training Centre
- Christian Service Committee
- Christian Council of Malawi
- Christian Literature Association in Malawi
- Private Hospital Association in Malawi
- Theological Education by Extension in Malawi
- Zomba Theological College jointly with the CCAP
Not only has he helped to improve relationships among Christians but he has gone further to coordinate with Government in some major development projects among which Malawi Against Polio is the most remarkable. This project is one of his last projects which has involved him in a number of meetings with high-ranking government officials.
Within Diocesan Institutions he has provided guidance to various Boards of Governors as an active chairman such as:
- Malosa Secondary School
- St Michael’s Girls’ Secondary School at Malindi
- Medical Board of Dioceses of Southern Malawi
- Anglican Council in Malawi
- Urban Development project, just to mention a few.
We would be failing in our duty if we didn’t give an account of what Mrs J. Arden has done alongside Bishop Arden to make his success. She took on a very difficult line which many men cannot manage – that of Master of Works for the Building Department During her term of office the following have been built:
- St Lukes’s Hospital and Nurses Training School
- Lulanga Health Centre at Makanjira
- Mkope and Matope Health Centres
- Chilipa and Gawanani Health Centres
- Mposa and Nkasala Health Centres
- Mkope Blind School
- Monkey Bay FP School
- Maliindi Rural Centre
Has improved Malindi and Mpondas hospitals and many other Diocesan institutional buildings.
In the meantime the Building Department has been offered contract to build Zomba Theological College.
She has been Chairman of the Mothers’ Union both on Diocesan and Provincial levels. And she has always offered both material and moral support during moments of sorrow, especially at funerals. She has wept together with our women in our traditional way. That is something she will always be remembered for.
If I had to say everything which Bishop and Mrs Arden have done during their stay in Malawi it would take the whole day till midnight. We wish them all the best of everything in whatever God has prepared for them.
Having said all that, the Anglican Church wants to state categorically that all this progress has only been made possible because of the wise and dynamic leadership of our beloved Life President Ngwazi Dr H. Kamuzu Banda, who gives full support to the developments in the Church. Apart from allowing freedom of worship he has personal interest in the activities of the Church. May the Lord give him long life to lead this nation in peace and prosperity.